Friday, August 13, 2010

Finding the perfect vegetables

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Vegetable Basket: vegetables should be firm and have a beautiful appearance. The color should be sufficient. Vegetables are like men, if they are wilted and limp may be in store. Go for the young and firm. (This could be why I sit back on the shelf.)


Asparagus stalks should be tightly closed and thin, with green or purple tips in depth.
Use asparagus within a day or two after purchasing for best flavor. Store in refrigerator wrapped with the endsin a damp paper towel, and make sure the asparagus in the back of the refrigerator to put in the dark. Wash with cold water and cut the bottom before cooking.

IDEA - asparagus sauteed with garlic, shiitake mushrooms and chicken.

IDEA - Toss cooked pasta with fresh asparagus, olive oil and thyme, tarragon and rosemary.

IDEA - Steam asparagus and serve with a light lemon vinaigrette.

Tip - If the recipe calls for cold asparagus, plunge the stems incold water immediately after cooking, then you can remove it quickly, watching for too long can cause them to be softened.


When the beets are still attached to the tips, you can tell by the appearance of the leaves when they are fresh. It should be firm and round with a slender taproot (main root).


Choose broccoli with floret clusters that are compact and not bruised. They should be solid, or dark green, sage green or purple, dependingvariety and no yellowing. Moreover, the flowers should not bloom yellow. The stalk and stems should be firm. Broccoli is very perishable and should be opened in a plastic bag in the refrigerator vegetable drawer where you keep for a week saved.

IDEA - lemon juice and sprinkle sesame seeds over lightly steamed broccoli.

IDEA - Toss pasta with olive oil, pine nuts and broccoli florets. Season with salt and pepper.

Brussels sprouts

Seemsmall bright green cabbages. Keep washed and Brussels sprouts are not in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. Stored in a plastic bag, can be stored for 10 days.

IDEA - Combine quartered cooked Brussels sprouts with sliced red onions, nuts and your favorite cheese, a slight taste of goat cheese or feta cheese, olive oil and roll with balsamic vinegar.


There are three main groups of cabbage: green cabbage leaves are smooth, curly-leaved green Savoy cabbageand red cabbage. The cabbage looks really nice in coleslaw. The heads should be firm and heavy, without losing too many outer leaves. Keep charcoal will help keep fresh and cool, keep their vitamin C. Place whole head in a plastic bag in the refrigerator vegetable drawer. Red & green cabbage continue on this road for about 2 weeks while Savoy cabbage will keep for about 1 week.

IDEA - Combine shredded red and white cabbage with fresh lemon juice, olive oil and spicesas turmeric, cumin, coriander and black pepper salad with a touch of India to do.


You should be well trained, smooth, well colored and firm. If you are tops, they should not look wilted.

The trick to preserve the freshness of the carrots is the amount of moisture lost to minimize them. To accomplish this, make sure you store them in the coolest part of refrigerator wrapped in a plastic bag or paper towel, which will reduce the amount of moisturecan form. You should be able to keep fresh for about two weeks. Carrots should be stored away from apples, pears, potatoes and other fruits and vegetables, to produce ethylene gas as they cause become bitter.


The flesh is white as Quark. "Outer leaves are green leaves that jacket. The part when it should be compact and solid. Sometimes the white part looks patchy, this is not good.

IDEA -Cauliflower with garlic, ginger and fry chopped tamari.


Before crunchy stalks. The stems must be a feeling of solidity and the flight leaves should look fresh. Just in case, they bought the celery, it was still fresh, and somehow got lost in the refrigerator, you can try at the end of celery (the part that is attached) in iced water. If you have not gone too far, that refreshes. To store celery, place it in a sealed container or wrap in a plastic bag or a damp clothand refrigerate.

IDEA - Add chopped celery recipe to your favorite tuna or chicken salad.

IDEA - Fill celery with peanut butter or cream cheese.


Sweet corn is most plentiful from early May to mid September. kernel yellow corn is the most popular but some have white souls.

Corn should be chilled immediately after harvest. Corn is pretty good quality to maintain a certain number of days in which it was kept cold andwet, because the harvest. Therefore, it should be refrigerated as soon as possible and kept moist until use. Find fresh green pods. The silk ends should not be dried.


Cucumbers should be a nice green color, and his company for their entire length. Avoid cucumbers that will end atrophies with an opaque color.
cucumbers have thinner seed generally less than those that are thicker.

Cucumbers should be stored in the refrigerator, where it is storedseveral days. If you are not the entire cucumber during one meal, wrap the remainder tightly in plastic or place it in a closed container so that it will not be dried. be used for the highest quality, cucumbers should within a day or two. Cucumbers should not be kept at room temperature for too long, because this will help lead them to wither and become limp.

IDEA - Mix diced cucumbers with peas and mint and sugar to throw rice wineVinaigrette.


Eggplants can be either a dark purple or white. They should be firm and not age spots. Place eggplant uncut and dirty in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator, where it will fruit for several days.

IDEA - When cutting an eggplant, use a knife in stainless steel as the steel reacts with phytonutrients that become due and blacks. Wash the eggplants and then trim the ends.

IDEA - Mix slices of fried eggplant, dicedgive with grilled peppers, lentils, onions and garlic and balsamic vinaigrette.


Purchase garlic, plump, and skin intact. Gently press the garlic between your fingers to see if it feels solid and is not wet.

TIP - Fresh Garlic Store is an open or loosely sealed container in a protected cool dark place, away from heat and sunlight. This will help to increase at its maximum freshness and prevent reduces its tasteand causes more waste. It is not necessary to keep the garlic in the refrigerator.

Depending on their age and variety, whole garlic bulbs will keep for two weeks to two months. Inspect the bulb frequently and remove any cloves that are dry or moldy revealed. Once you break the bulb of garlic, reduced shelf life for a few days.

TIP - Tips for preparation:

The first step to using garlic (unless the bulb whole roasting), the individual is separatedCloves. An easy way to do this is to set the bulb on a cutting board or hard surface and gently place, but it puts pressure with the palm in a corner. This makes the skin layers that hold together the separate bulb.

To separate the skin from the individual toes, place a clove of garlic with the flat side down on a cutting board and gently tap with the flat side of a large knife. You can then remove the skin with your fingers or a small knife. If youa green sprout in the center of cloves, remove it, because it is hard to stomach.

IDEA marinate down - in olive oil and garlic flavored oil for use in sauces and marinades.

IDEA - Purée fresh garlic, canned chickpeas, sesame paste, olive oil and lemon juice for quick and easy hummus dip.

IDEA - sauteed steamed spinach, garlic and fresh lemon.

IDEA - Add garlic to sauces and soups.

IDEA - Purée roasted garlic, cookedPotatoes and olive oil together with delicious garlic mashed potatoes. Season to taste.


beans are buying, smooth feel and a nice green color, and has no dark spots or bruises. You should have a firm texture and "Snap" When Broken.
Store unwashed fresh beans pods in a plastic bag stored in the refrigerator vegetable drawer. Beans stored in this manner should take about seven days.

IDEA - roasted beans, peppers and garlic and combine withOlive oil and spices to make a delicious salad.


There are many different varieties. The most common is the iceberg lettuce. The heads are large, round and massive, the medium-green outer leaves and lighter green inner leaves. The leaves must be fresh and crisp. Avoid heads with irregular shapes.
Butter lettuce (Big Boston and Bibb varieties) have a smaller head of iceberg lettuce. The leaves are soft and green.

Romaine lettuceis sharp, dark green leaves on his head slightly bent.
Lettuce does not form a compact head. The leaves are large, soft, smooth, and vary in color depending on the variety.

Romaine and leaf lettuce should be washed and dried before storing in refrigerator to remove excess moisture, while Boston lettuce should not be washed before storing. A salad spinner can be very useful in drying the lettuce (and other ingredients, and salad).This salad should be either kept or stored in a plastic bag wrapped in a damp cold and crisp.

To save arugula, watercress and other types of lettuce that are sold with their roots attached to the roots, wrap in a damp paper towel and place everything in a green plastic bag.
Romaine lettuce will keep for five minutes, seven days ago, and Boston lettuce for two 58 days, while the Greens like arugula and watercress should ideally be fragileprepared the day of purchase. All types of lettuce should be away from fruits that produce ethylene such as apples stored, bananas and pears, since they cause the lettuce leaves brown.


We usually describe mushrooms as under a cap (the wide part up), gills (the ranks of the thin tissue under the cap when it opened) and a stem.
Seeking young mushrooms, small and medium sized ones. Caps should either be closed around the stem or slightlyopened with light brown or pink gills. The surface of the cap should be white or cream, tan or even when a brown type. Avoid mushrooms with caps open and the dark gills underneath.

The best way to store loose mushrooms, and refrigerate or put in a paper bag placed loosely closed, wrapped in a damp cloth or a glass bowl, covered with a damp cloth. These methods will help them keep their moisture without being wet, andkeep them fresh for several days. Mushrooms, which are purchased in prepackaged, can be refrigerated for up to a week in their original packaging.

TIP mushrooms - are so porous that they are vulnerable if too much water, that are easy to absorb and muddy. So the best way for fungi, without cleaning their texture and taste, cleaning is minimal, if at all, water. To do this, simply wipe with a damp cloth or paper towelCloth.

IDEA - fried mushrooms and onion make a great accompaniment to meat dishes.


One of my favorite vegetables. They come in yellow, white and red.
The yellow onion is thick and can be used to cook almost anything. If she cooked, are once again a rich dark brown. If you are making French onion soup, this is to use the onion. Choose onions that are clean, well shaped, have no opening in the neck and the cool, dry skin. Avoidthose that are sprouting or signs of mold.

Onions should be stored at room temperature, away from bright light, and be well ventilated in a manner where they are. To do this, both on a wire hanging basket or a bowl with a perforated base high, so that air can circulate underneath. The duration of the deposit varies depending on the type of onion. Those who are sharper in taste, such as yellow onions are longer than those with a sweeter taste, as are white onions, because theThe compounds that give their pungent taste, to help preserve them. All bulbs must be stored away from potatoes, as they absorb moisture and ethylene gas, which spoil easily. The rest of sliced onion should be tightly wrapped in plastic or in a sealed container and must be used within a day or two.

red onions are wonderful for fresh and used for grilling. white onions are used in most Mexican dishes. If you fry onions turn golden and whitehave a sweet taste. Do not buy bulbs that have sprouted.

Green Onions - for bouquets with fresh green tops. These are regularly collected bulbs that are very young.

When buying green onions, for those who are green, fresh-looking tops are crisp, yet delicate appearance. The ground should be off-white for two or three inches. Avoid those that wilted or yellowed tips. Scallions should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, where it is kept for abouta week.

IDEA - Combine chopped onions, tomatoes, avocado and jalapeno for an all-in-one sauce Guacamole Dip

Idea - alert sprinkle plain rice, some onions, also called spring onions and sesame seeds on top.

IDEA - Enjoy a classic Italian salad, sliced onion, tomato and mozzarella with a drizzle of olive oil.


Find fresh leaves bright green and crisp. If you cut Wilts parsley, the ends of the stems and put them in coldWater. Avoid grapes that are yellowing or discolored.
Fresh parsley must be refrigerated in a plastic bag.

TIP - Fresh parsley should be directly before use, since it is very fragile to be washed. The best way is to clean as you would spinach. Put in a bowl with cold water and swish around with your hands.

TIP - If you have multiple-leaf parsley, you can simply dry by a single layer on a clean cloth. Once dried,must be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark.

TIP - curly parsley has done better preserved by freezing, as opposed to dry. Indeed, while retaining most of its flavor, has a tendency to lose their sharpness, so it is best used in recipes without thawing before use.

TIP - We have a flavor stronger than the curly variety, Italian parsley is better than one, the kitchen, so it is generally preferred for the kind of hot. Leaf parsleya flavor stronger than curly varieties. It should be added towards the end of cooking time, so it is better to keep their flavor, color and nutritional value.

IDEA - Add the parsley pesto more consistency to its green color to add.

IDEA - Combine chopped parsley, garlic and lemon peel, and use it as a massage for chicken, lamb and beef.


When buying peas, look for those portions which are companies, velvety and smooth. Their color is a medium green.Those whose green color is especially bright or dark, or those that are yellow are mottled gray or white, should be avoided.

In contrast to the round pea pods, pea pods are flat. You should be able to see the shape of the pod of peas. Choose the smallest, because they tend to be sweeter.
Unwashed, triggered peas stored in the refrigerator in a sealed bag or container will keep for several days. Before peas from the pod, rinse them brieflyunder running water. skin so light, break the top and bottom of the gondola, and then gently pull out "thread" that the sewing lines of most of peapods.

IDEA - Mix peas with chicken, diced onion and almonds to chicken salad.


Peppers should be firm and has an intense color, green, yellow or red. You should also have some 'heavy. Avoid peppers that appear limp. Unwashed sweet peppers stored in the refrigerator vegetable drawerlast up to one week. Before coring and / or cut the peppers, wash under running water. When the pepper has been waxed, you should also scrub well.

IDEA - Add finely chopped bell peppers to tuna or chicken salad.

IDEA - peppers are one of the best vegetables in a bowl of salad (vegetables and dip) are used because they add a touch of color not only brilliant, but their structure is the ideal complement to crisp dives.

TIP - Use a paring knifeKnife to cut around the stem and remove it. Peppers can be cut into various shapes and sizes. As a simple cut, cut or diced peppers cut into strips, halve the peppers lengthwise cut on one side, clean the core and seeds, then cut to release the skin side on the cut surface into the desired shape and size. Peppers can also be cut horizontally into rings.


Look for potatoes that are firm and green on them. Green produces a bitter taste. Potatoes canbe used for all types of recipes. "New potatoes" are not yet fully developed. They are best used for cooking or skimming. "All-purpose potatoes are best for cooking and frying. There are also special potatoes grown for cooking. For example, Russet Burbank.

Potatoes TIP - must be refrigerated, since their content is to convert starch to sugar them an undesirable taste. Also, do not store potatoes near onions, as they emit gases that cause eachDegradation of each other. Wherever you save, they should be in a paper bag, canvas or kept. Mature potato well preserved may take up to two months.

Potatoes TIP - must be cleaned and cut right before cooking to prevent the discoloration that occurs with exposure to air. If you do not cook, can immediately after cutting, place it in a bowl of cold water to which you add a bit 'of lemon juice.

IDEA - Purée roasted garlic, potatoes andOlive oil with delicious garlic mashed potatoes. Season to taste.

- Nicoise - salad of boiled potatoes with pieces of tuna and green beans steamed IDEA dressed lightly with vinegar and oil.

IDEA - Toss steamed potato cubes with olive oil and fresh herbs of your choice.


Look for medium-radish (3 / 4 to 1 inch in diameter). They should be plump, round and firm. Radishes are red or white. Avoid large radishes: usuallyhave a center concise.


Find fresh rhubarb stalks company with a bright, shiny appearance. Stems should be a lot of pink or red, although many will be predominantly light green stems of good quality. Make sure the stem is tender and not stringy.


Choose spinach, deep green leaves and stems that have no signs of yellowing. The leaves must be fresh and tender, not wilted or bruised. Store fresh spinach loosely packed oneplastic bag in the refrigerator vegetable drawer where they keep for about five days. Do not wash before they are saved because they cause moisture to ruin.

IDEA - Add layers of steamed spinach lasagna recipe for your next.

IDEA - Toss steamed spinach with a pressure of garlic, fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Sprinkle with a little 'parmesan.

IDEA - pine nuts are a great addition to cooked spinach.

IDEA - spinach, lettuce makes it great.


Summer - WhenPurchase zucchini, look for those that are heavy for their size and shiny, unblemished rinds. Summer squash is very fragile and should be treated carefully as small bites will decay. Stored should be washed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, where it is kept for about seven days.

compensate IDEA - add zucchini or summer squash or other favorite recipe in muffin bread, decrease the amount of liquid in the recipe by about a third to a moisturein squash.

Winter - Winter squash is prone to degradation, so it is important to check carefully before buying. Choose those that are firm, heavy for their size and matte, not glossy, rinds. winter squash will last much longer than summer squash. Depending on the variety, can be stored for one week to six months.

Sweet potatoes and yams

Find with skin color uniform set for sweet potatoes smooth. Yams are moist, sweet and haveflesh orange. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, dry, pale flesh color. Sweet potatoes must be refrigerated. Sweet potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark, well ventilated, which houses up to be kept for ten days. Should be stored loose and not kept in a plastic bag. Keep them from exposure to sunlight.

Tomatoes with better taste from local companies. Mature before they are fullypicked. Most of the tomatoes that are in the grocery store are picked when they begin to turn pink. If your tomatoes need to ripen more, experience in a protected from direct sunlight. Keep tomatoes in the refrigerator if they are fully ripe.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spring Fishing for Pike & Musky

It may sound silly to say that Inland Northwest anglers have discovered "Esox" fishing. After all, the "Northern Pike" and its half brothers and sisters, the "Tiger Musky", have been around this neck of the woods for several years. Northern Pike were illegally introduced into the lateral lakes of the Coeur d'Alene river system in the 1970's with a mature pike fishery being pretty much established throughout all of Lake Coeur d'Alene by the 1980's. There is also a well-established Pike population in the Pend Orielle River system. While the debate rages over the negative impacts to the native species and established cold-water fisheries, the fact remains, the Northern Pike is probably here to stay. During a recent visit to Coeur d'Alene, "In-Fisherman" personality, "Al Lindner" was quoted as saying that the next U.S. record pike may very well come from Coeur d'Alene Lake.

In addition to the Northern Pike, intentional and planned introduction by fisheries biologists of the Northern Pike/Musky hybrids, (known as the "Tiger Musky"), have been stocked in select lakes in Washington State to provide a large species trophy fish and to predate on populations of less desirable species.But do many anglers actually fish to intentionally target these species? The majority of catches of Northern Pike fall into the category of "incidental catches". That is, they are caught while fishing for other species, predominantly by bass fisherman. The fact is that fishing lures and techniques utilized for bass work quite well for pike also. Furthermore, since bass and pike tend to inhabit the same areas this further elevates the frequency of pike or musky catches.

Many area have anglers found that the thrill of the strike and the subsequent battles to boat these behemoths were worth the effort to target them specifically. Taking advantage of the opportunistic feeding behavior of Pike, "dead-baiting" or "smelting" was born. A waiting game, "smelting" involves the use of a frozen dead smelt or herring embedded with two hooks and suspended off the bottom by means of a large foam float or bobber. The fisherman simply waits until the bobber starts to take off and then sets the hook. While effective, and responsible for some very large Pike, the technique misses the excitement that comes with a top-water strike. Bass fishermen know what I'm talking about. Nothing gets the heart thumping more than seeing your quarry ferociously attack a lure while aggressively ripping it across the water.

Actively targeting and pursuing Pike and Tiger Musky often involves utilizing good fish-finding sonar to track submerged weed lines, research into where the fish stage and spawn in the spring, and often hundreds, (if not thousands), of casts of large heavy jerk-baits, spoons, spinner baits, and buck tails. It's definitely not for the fisherman who is happy to sit and nap on the shore waiting for the fish to bite. Sometimes all the angler will get for his trouble is sore arms and shoulders, but often, he is rewarded with a heart-stopping strike where his prey pounds the lure resulting in a water-churning fight.

Large Pike in the early spring take to the shallow, weed-choked bays and inlets to spawn. Often retrieving baits through this salad of vegetation is nearly impossible. Making it even more maddening... you can often see large monster pike just below the surface. You know that there is no way that you can retrieve a jerk-bait past them without snagging huge clumps in the process. Even if you could, they often turn their noses up at larger baits during this time. The answer is often "finesse baits". Small soft plastic fish imitations, weighted only with an off-set hook, and cast past the targeted fish. Spinning rods and reels seem to work best with such light weight baits but some adept bait-casters will do just fine as well. As you retrieve you attempt to bring the bait within eyesight of, but not too close. If you see the Pike aggressively moving after the bait you might actually speed up your retrieval. You might get a fish to eye your bait, approach to within inches, and then turn away. Varying your presentation by a series of twitches, stalls, jerks and teasing movements can often trigger the strike. The really exciting part of this is actually having the conditions to watch the whole process. It takes a relatively calm surface with little or no wind, a good pair of polarized sunglasses and a boat with a quiet electric trolling motor. Still quieter approaches might be attained with a push-pole. Obviously, you want to get close enough to see the fish, but not so close that you spook them.

Pike and Musky have very sharp teeth and are quite capable of neatly slicing through even heavy monofilament line. Steel leaders have been a staple of pike fishing for years, but because of their added weight, they are nearly impossible to utilize when finesse fishing little plastic fish baits. The solution has been the introduction of fluorocarbon lines. Strong, nearly invisible in the water, and highly abrasion resistant, fluorocarbon works quite well as a leader material with these toothy critters. It needs to be at least 18 to 20 pound test and you will still loose a few to line cutting, but the majority will be unable to sever it. After each fish you would do well to feel the line for any nicks, cuts, or abrasions, then trim and re-tie. The best I have used has been the "P-Line" products of pure fluorocarbon. You should try to select a color matched to the water you're fishing.

One other thing needs to be said regarding weather. One of my best days fishing for Tiger Musky's was an early spring day during repeated rain squalls and lightning. I don't recommend being on the water during an electrical storm. That being said; during a two hour period of brief rain storms, I caught six Tiger Musky trolling a Lucky-Craft Pointer 128 in Aurora Black. This bait actually has been my "Go-to" bait for Pike and Musky.

Try some of these techniques the next time you are on the water where there are Pike and Musky. You just might find that the next Pike or Musky you catch was not an "incidental" catch, and was actually the fish you intended to catch.

Where to go: Lake Coeur d'Alene and the chain lakes of the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho, (Pike), Fernan Lake, Idaho, (Pike), Long Lake, Washington, (Pike), Silver Lake, Washington, (Tiger Musky), Hauser Lake, Idaho, (Tiger Musky). Google searches will also yield several destinations in Montana Rivers and reservoirs for pike.


Rod: 6 ½ to 7 foot, medium to heavy rods, ¾ to 1 ounce.

Reel: Bait-caster for heavy weight lures, spinning for light.

Line: Heavy braid with fluorocarbon leaders, (2 to 3 foot length).

Ty-Gear®, tie-able steel leader.

Lures: Large heavy jerk baits, swim baits and crank baits.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hawaii Vacation: 10 Great Adventures

Here are some activities to create the holiday in Hawaii certainly a good memory for a lifetime.

What: Hawaii Snorkeling

Where: Ohahu - Waikiki Beach

Who: Paradise Cruises

Description: If you want up close and personal with beautiful tropical fish, then a snorkeling cruise is something you can not miss. You will be able to board and head of the little star above the Kewalo Reef, with the famous bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head background. Fish were fed by hand, so that theymuch more friendly. This is a very nice trip, if you are a novice snorkeling. Other activities such as windsurfing, kayaking, a floating trampoline and a water slide. Relax on deck while sunbathing. A barbecue lunch is included.

What: Hawaii Luau

Where: Ohahu

Who: Germaine's Luau

Description: Imagine being a guest in a great Hawaiian Luau. , Sitting comfortably between old and new friends, you see the royal procession enter with fanfare, and witness the ceremony IMU - seea roasted pig raised from the floor. Dine in traditional Hawaiian dishes, such as POI and haupia and continental favorites like fried chicken and salad. After the delicious dinner sit back and enjoy the wonderful Polynesian show with dancers from Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji and Samoa. Many consider this the best luau in all Hawaii.

What: Swim with dolphins

Where: Ohahu

About: Dolphin Excursions

Description: fantasyto learn. Now is the time to do so. I'm on a boat with about twenty other dolphin lovers are against Ohahu western shore. There you see a lot of spinner dolphins jumping in the sea in the morning. You're there to be an expert snorkeling instruction so that even beginners can slip into the water and swim under friendly inhabitants of the sea. As a bonus you can get to see whales, sea turtles and other exotic marine.

What: Experience PolynesianCulture

Where: Ohahu

Who: Polynesian Cultural Center

Description: Read more about the rich history of Polynesian cultural traditions at this popular Hawaiian attraction. See live demonstrations of carving tiki statues, dancing with fire knives, barefoot tree climbing, and IMAX (TM) Presentation: "Coral Reef Adventure." In the afternoon enjoy the spectacular procession of canoes Long live reenactment of Polynesian cultural history on floating platforms. Start all overLeave with a Polynesian show with dancers and native drummers.

What: horseback riding and ATV Tours

Where: Ohahu

Who: Kualoa Ranch

Description: Tour the beautiful island Ohahu horse. She has three types of riding: 1) One hour ride: Explore the southern half of the ranch pond surrounded 800 years, 2) two-hour trip: Discover the northern part of the ranch and see Wwii bunkers, mountains and the Pacific Ocean, 3) Experience Cowboy: A CrashOf course, like cattle herds. ATV Tours: Explore the countryside on an ATV.

What: Hawaii Submarine Tour

Where: Ohahu, Maui, Kona

Who: Atlantis Submarines

Description: Explore the depths of the sea and learn more about authorized beautiful and exotic sea creatures on tours to the Pacific Coast Guard U-boat. See tropical fish, sharks, sea turtles, eels, shipwrecks and more closely. can enjoy a unique experience and training for the whole family. The subs are spacious and airconditioning on and off at a maximum depth of about 125 m.

What: Hawaii Military History Tour

Where: Pearl Harbor and other sites

Who: Home of the Brave

Description: to honor the courageous service of the U.S. military in Hawaii. The tour begins historic Pearl Harbor. Other stations include: Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Barracks, Fort Shafter, Punchbowl National Memorial, downtown Honolulu, Home of the Brave museum and gift shop.

What: Hawaii DayExcursion

Where: Honolulu

Resources About: Institute of Land and Natural

Description: set to pack your walking shoes, some water and head on over to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Here you will find free maps. Decide what you want to see trails and the day to spend some of the most beautiful places in Hawaii. Some destinations are: Manoa Falls Trail, Waikiki Historic Trail, Koko Crater, Makapuu Lighthouse, and Kaena Point.

What: LearnHow to surf

Where: Ohahu

Who: Hans Hedemann Surf School

Description: Learn to Hang 10 on the most beautiful beaches of Hawaii. Discover the techniques of navigation in a safe environment by qualified professionals. They offer private, semi-private lessons or group. Within hours, you are standing on a surfboard and ride your first wave!

What: Volcano Hiking Tours

Where: Honolulu - bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head

Description: Diamond Head Crater is a dormant volcanoThis is very popular with tourists. Hiking Diamond Head will take about 45-60 minutes and brings you a stimulating change and run the ground, ending in a long sentence steep stairs. Once on top, the view is splendid. Note that the form must be groped for the full travel. There are places of rest, but not services. The road can be very hot to go so early in the morning - and bring water.

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Hawaii Vacations: 10 Great Adventures

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Here's some Hawaiian vacation activities that are sure to create great memories for a life time.

What: Hawaii Snorkeling

Where: Ohahu - Waikiki Beach

Who: Paradise Cruises

Description: If you'd love to get up close and personal with beautiful tropical fish, then a snorkeling cruise is something you can't miss. You'll climb onboard The Starlet and head out to the Kewalo Reef, with the famous bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head as your backdrop. The fish have been hand fed, so they're plenty friendly. This is a very nice excursion if you are a snorkeling novice. Other activities include windsurfing, kayaking, a floating trampoline, and a water slide. Relax on deck while sunbathing. A BBQ lunch is included.

What: Hawaii Luau

Where: Ohahu

Who: Germaines Luau

Description: Imagine being a guest at a grand Hawaiian luau. As you sit comfortably amongst new friends and old, you watch the royal procession enter with fanfare, and witness the imu ceremony--see a roasted pig raised up from the ground. Then you dine on traditional Hawaiian dishes like poi and haupia, as well as, Mainland favorites like fried chicken and tossed salad. After your scrumptious meal you sit back and enjoy the wonderful Polynesian entertainers featuring dancers from Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji and Samoa. Many consider this the best luau in all of Hawaii.

What: Swim with the Dolphins

Where: Ohahu

Who: Dolphin Excursions

Description: You've fantasized about it. Now it's time to do it. You'll be taken out on a boat with about twenty or so other dolphin lovers off of Ohahu's western shore. There you'll see plenty of spinner dolphins frolicking in the early morning seas. You'll be given expert snorkeling instruction so that even beginners can slip into the water and swim amongst the sea's friendliest inhabitants. As a bonus, you may get to see whales, sea turtles and other exotic sea life.

What: Experience Polynesian Culture

Where: Ohahu

Who: Polynesian Cultural Center

Description: Learn about the rich history of Polynesian cultural traditions at this popular Hawaiian attraction. See live demonstrations of carving tiki statues, dancing with fire knives, barefoot tree climbing, and the IMAX(TM) presentation of: "Coral Reef Adventure". In the afternoon enjoy the spectacular Pageant of the Long canoes, a live reenactment of Polynesian cultural history on floating platforms. Top it all off with a Polynesian review show featuring dancers and native drummers.

What: Horseback and ATV Tours

Where: Ohahu

Who: Kualoa Ranch

Description: Tour the beautiful island of Ohahu on horseback. They have three types of horseback tours: 1) One Hour Ride: Explore the southern half of the ranch surrounded by an 800 year-old fishpond; 2) Two hour ride: Explore the northern part of the ranch and see Wwii bunkers, mountains, and the Pacific Ocean; 3) Cowboy Experience: A crash course on how to herd cattle. ATV Tours: Explore the countryside on an ATV.

What: Hawaii Submarine Tour

Where: Ohahu, Maui, Kona

Who: Atlantis Submarines

Description: Explore the ocean depths and learn about the Pacific's beautiful and exotic sea creatures on a U.S. Coast Guard approved submarine tour. See tropical fish, sharks, sea turtles, eels, shipwrecks and more up close. A unique and educational experience the whole family can enjoy. The subs are spacious and air conditioned, and go down to a maximum depth of about 125 ft.

What: Hawaii Military History Tour

Where: Pearl Harbor and Other Sites

Who: Home of the Brave

Description: Honor the brave service of U.S. military members in Hawaii. This tour begins at historic Pearl Harbor. Other stops include: Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Army Barracks, Fort Shafter, Punchbowl National Memorial, Downtown Honolulu, Home of the Brave Museum and gift Shop.

What: Hawaii Day Hike

Where: Honolulu

Who: Department of Land and Natural Resources

Description: Put on your walking shoes, grab some water and head on over to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Here you can find free hiking trail maps. Decide on what trails you'd like to see and spend the day exploring some of Hawaii's most beautiful places. Some popular destinations are: Manoa Falls Trail, Waikiki Historic Trail, Koko Crater, Makapuu Lighthouse, and Kaena Point.

What: Learn How to Surf

Where: Ohahu

Who: Hans Hedemann Surf School

Description: Learn to Hang 10 on Hawaii's most scenic beaches. Discover the techniques of surfing in a safe environment from trained professionals. They offer private, semi-private, or group lessons. In a couple of hours, you'll be standing up on a surfboard and riding your first wave!

What: Volcano Hiking Excursion

Where: Honolulu - bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head

Description: bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head is a dormant volcanic crater that is very popular with tourists. Hiking up bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head will take you about 45-60 minutes and will lead you along a changing and challenging terrain that ends in a long, steep set of stairs. Once you get to the top, the view is magnificent. Keep in mind that you must be in shape to attempt the full hike up. There are places to rest, but no facilities. The trail can be hot, so go very early in the morning--and bring water.

Back Massagers Reviews Portable Generators Reviews

Monday, August 09, 2010

Princess Potato Peeler Rumbler 1940 Review

The Princess 1940 Potato rumbler is a domestic appliance used to automatically peel potatoes. This particular potato rumbler sports 6 stainless steel blades attached to its internal drum. It is capable of peeling 1kg of potatoes in 2 as little as 2 minutes. It also comes with a safety switch to ensure that it's not accidentally switched on with your hand in the wrong place. It has a transparent lid as well as a retractable cord. This potato rumbler also comes with a separate basket that Salad spinner can be used on dry inside. Best of all are its internal parts are dishwasher safe so you can peel the potatoes and remove Rumbler and dishwasher safe.

How does it stack up?

This is an incredible machine for the price. It 's relatively quiet in its quality than its competitors and is also efficient and requires only 400 ml water for 1 kg of husk tomato. The fact that it is washed in a dishwasher, an importantAdvantage, as clean as this can save considerable time. And 'faster can peel the potato peel media manually chef with an effort significantly lower. Even if you save five minutes per day in the kitchen for a whole year which is more than 24 hours. Worth every penny to save a whole day in peeling potatoes by hand in the kitchen each year. We conducted a test to see how much weight lost after the potatoes in a cycle of Rumbler. We peeled by hand and rumbled two separatePounds of potatoes and found that potatoes peeled by hand lost 6% of their total weight after peeling. Potatoes rumbled lost 8%. This is an amazing achievement.

Negative points

The Rumbler potato is not very good, but. Not remove any "eyes" and when the potato has a negative curvature, the Rumbler can not gain access to peeling. This is easy to correct after the Rumbler has finished a few seconds under the eyes and peeling small partssome potato. There is also a very strong, although this model is less noisy than its competitors. It dances around the bar when in use, so it's a good idea to keep an eye on him.


Overall, a great example of very practical invention. It saves a lot of time peeling potatoes in a year, but can be a bit 'strong, sometimes.

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Princess 1940 Potato Rumbler-Peeler Review

The Princess 1940 Potato rumbler is a domestic appliance used to automatically peel potatoes. This particular potato rumbler sports 6 stainless steel blades attached to its internal drum. It is capable of peeling 1kg of potatoes in 2 as little as 2 minutes. It also comes with a safety switch to ensure that it's not accidentally switched on with your hand in the wrong place. It has a transparent lid as well as a retractable cord. This potato rumbler also comes with a separate basket that can be used to dry salad inside the spinner. Best of all, its internal parts are dishwasher safe so you can peel your potatoes then dismantle the rumbler and wash it in the dishwasher.

How does it stack up?

This is an incredible machine for the price. It's relatively quiet in its function compared to its competitors and is also efficient, requiring only 400ml of water to peel 1kg of tomatoes. The fact that you can wash it in the dishwasher is a major advantage as this will save considerable time cleaning it. It is capable of peeling potatoes faster than the average chef can manually peel them with considerably less effort. Even if it saves you 5 minutes a day in the kitchen, over a full year, that's over 24 hours. Worth every penny to save a full day in of peeling potatoes by hand in the kitchen every year. We carried out a test to see how much weight the potatoes lost after a cycle in the rumbler. We hand peeled and rumbled 2 separate kilos of potatoes and found that the hand peeled potatoes lost 6% of their total weight after peeling. The rumbled potatoes lost 8%. This is an incredible result.

Negative points

The potato rumbler is not all good however. It is unable to remove any "eyes" and if the potato has any inverted curvature, the rumbler cannot access it to peel it. This is easy to rectify after the rumbler has finished, a few extra seconds taking out the eyes and peeling very small parts of a few potatoes. It is also a little noisy, although this particular model is less noisy than its competitors. It dances around the worktop when in use so it's a good idea to keep an eye on it.


Overall, a great example of a very handy invention. It will save you considerable time peeling potatoes over the course of a year but can be a little noisy at times.

Clothing Steamer

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Hawaii Vacations: 10 Great Adventures

Here's some Hawaiian vacation activities that are sure to create great memories for a life time.

What: Hawaii Snorkeling

Where: Ohahu - Waikiki Beach

Who: Paradise Cruises

Description: If you'd love to get up close and personal with beautiful tropical fish, then a snorkeling cruise is something you can't miss. You'll climb onboard The Starlet and head out to the Kewalo Reef, with the famous bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head as your backdrop. The fish have been hand fed, so they're plenty friendly. This is a very nice excursion if you are a snorkeling novice. Other activities include windsurfing, kayaking, a floating trampoline, and a water slide. Relax on deck while sunbathing. A BBQ lunch is included.

What: Hawaii Luau

Where: Ohahu

Who: Germaines Luau

Description: Imagine being a guest at a grand Hawaiian luau. As you sit comfortably amongst new friends and old, you watch the royal procession enter with fanfare, and witness the imu ceremony--see a roasted pig raised up from the ground. Then you dine on traditional Hawaiian dishes like poi and haupia, as well as, Mainland favorites like fried chicken and tossed salad. After your scrumptious meal you sit back and enjoy the wonderful Polynesian entertainers featuring dancers from Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji and Samoa. Many consider this the best luau in all of Hawaii.

What: Swim with the Dolphins

Where: Ohahu

Who: Dolphin Excursions

Description: You've fantasized about it. Now it's time to do it. You'll be taken out on a boat with about twenty or so other dolphin lovers off of Ohahu's western shore. There you'll see plenty of spinner dolphins frolicking in the early morning seas. You'll be given expert snorkeling instruction so that even beginners can slip into the water and swim amongst the sea's friendliest inhabitants. As a bonus, you may get to see whales, sea turtles and other exotic sea life.

What: Experience Polynesian Culture

Where: Ohahu

Who: Polynesian Cultural Center

Description: Learn about the rich history of Polynesian cultural traditions at this popular Hawaiian attraction. See live demonstrations of carving tiki statues, dancing with fire knives, barefoot tree climbing, and the IMAX(TM) presentation of: "Coral Reef Adventure". In the afternoon enjoy the spectacular Pageant of the Long canoes, a live reenactment of Polynesian cultural history on floating platforms. Top it all off with a Polynesian review show featuring dancers and native drummers.

What: Horseback and ATV Tours

Where: Ohahu

Who: Kualoa Ranch

Description: Tour the beautiful island of Ohahu on horseback. They have three types of horseback tours: 1) One Hour Ride: Explore the southern half of the ranch surrounded by an 800 year-old fishpond; 2) Two hour ride: Explore the northern part of the ranch and see Wwii bunkers, mountains, and the Pacific Ocean; 3) Cowboy Experience: A crash course on how to herd cattle. ATV Tours: Explore the countryside on an ATV.

What: Hawaii Submarine Tour

Where: Ohahu, Maui, Kona

Who: Atlantis Submarines

Description: Explore the ocean depths and learn about the Pacific's beautiful and exotic sea creatures on a U.S. Coast Guard approved submarine tour. See tropical fish, sharks, sea turtles, eels, shipwrecks and more up close. A unique and educational experience the whole family can enjoy. The subs are spacious and air conditioned, and go down to a maximum depth of about 125 ft.

What: Hawaii Military History Tour

Where: Pearl Harbor and Other Sites

Who: Home of the Brave

Description: Honor the brave service of U.S. military members in Hawaii. This tour begins at historic Pearl Harbor. Other stops include: Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Army Barracks, Fort Shafter, Punchbowl National Memorial, Downtown Honolulu, Home of the Brave Museum and gift Shop.

What: Hawaii Day Hike

Where: Honolulu

Who: Department of Land and Natural Resources

Description: Put on your walking shoes, grab some water and head on over to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Here you can find free hiking trail maps. Decide on what trails you'd like to see and spend the day exploring some of Hawaii's most beautiful places. Some popular destinations are: Manoa Falls Trail, Waikiki Historic Trail, Koko Crater, Makapuu Lighthouse, and Kaena Point.

What: Learn How to Surf

Where: Ohahu

Who: Hans Hedemann Surf School

Description: Learn to Hang 10 on Hawaii's most scenic beaches. Discover the techniques of surfing in a safe environment from trained professionals. They offer private, semi-private, or group lessons. In a couple of hours, you'll be standing up on a surfboard and riding your first wave!

What: Volcano Hiking Excursion

Where: Honolulu - bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head

Description: bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head is a dormant volcanic crater that is very popular with tourists. Hiking up bands-20" title="diamond">diamond Head will take you about 45-60 minutes and will lead you along a changing and challenging terrain that ends in a long, steep set of stairs. Once you get to the top, the view is magnificent. Keep in mind that you must be in shape to attempt the full hike up. There are places to rest, but no facilities. The trail can be hot, so go very early in the morning--and bring water.

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Julia Child's Kitchen and Today's Kitchen

Julia Child had a love for kitchen gadgets and tools, and she collected them everywhere she went as she traveled with her husband, Paul Child, through Europe for his various work assignments. Paul and Julia together designed the kitchen in Cambridge to suit her tastes and her height (she was 6'2"). On display at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. is Julia Child's actual kitchen from her Cambridge, MA home. She donated it in 2001, three years before she died.

The 1960s French country kitchen was meticulously reassembled at the Institute. Julia's kitchen offers us a glimpse into the past with her many gadgets she has collected during her time in Europe. But just how much has changed since then?

Like classic clothes that never go out of style and seemingly last forever, some kitchen gadgets are similarly priceless and withstand time and its modern inventions. If you have ever made your own tomato sauce, then you probably own a food mill. This is a truly classic kitchen gadget devised in the late 19th century and a staple in Julia's kitchen for pureeing various foods.

Did you know that the whisk was a French tool originally introduced to Americans by Julia Child? Quoting Julia Child, "The idea is to have the largest whisk and smallest bowl-it gets the egg whites in motion at once." We all fondly recall Julia's episode of the salad spinner, where she has an umbrella in hand as she dries the lettuce. Another French introduction to American cooks, the salad spinner is still very much in demand today as it was when Julia first showed it to us. When we buy pots and pans, they are meant to last us a long, long time. And so it was with Julia's enamel sauce pan which she bought in Paris in the 1940s and used up until the 1990s.

There is one kitchen tool for which we use its modern counterpart, and that is the food scale. Julia's ancient food scale was mainly used for past recipes that called for ingredients in grams, ounces, pounds and kilos. Today's ingredients are widely measured in cups and quarts. Some ingredients, however, still note ounces and pounds, such as chicken or fish; therefore making the food scale a viable tool in today's modern kitchen.

Many of today's in-demand modern kitchen tools and gadgets stemmed from their premiere on Julia Child's television series, The French Chef. Time has shown us that classic and well-designed pieces truly do last forever and will continue to span generations to come.

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Saturday, August 07, 2010

Princess 1940 Potato Rumbler-Peeler Review

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The Princess 1940 Potato rumbler is a domestic appliance used to automatically peel potatoes. This particular potato rumbler sports 6 stainless steel blades attached to its internal drum. It is capable of peeling 1kg of potatoes in 2 as little as 2 minutes. It also comes with a safety switch to ensure that it's not accidentally switched on with your hand in the wrong place. It has a transparent lid as well as a retractable cord. This potato rumbler also comes with a separate basket that can be used to dry salad inside the spinner. Best of all, its internal parts are dishwasher safe so you can peel your potatoes then dismantle the rumbler and wash it in the dishwasher.

How does it stack up?

This is an incredible machine for the price. It's relatively quiet in its function compared to its competitors and is also efficient, requiring only 400ml of water to peel 1kg of tomatoes. The fact that you can wash it in the dishwasher is a major advantage as this will save considerable time cleaning it. It is capable of peeling potatoes faster than the average chef can manually peel them with considerably less effort. Even if it saves you 5 minutes a day in the kitchen, over a full year, that's over 24 hours. Worth every penny to save a full day in of peeling potatoes by hand in the kitchen every year. We carried out a test to see how much weight the potatoes lost after a cycle in the rumbler. We hand peeled and rumbled 2 separate kilos of potatoes and found that the hand peeled potatoes lost 6% of their total weight after peeling. The rumbled potatoes lost 8%. This is an incredible result.

Negative points

The potato rumbler is not all good however. It is unable to remove any "eyes" and if the potato has any inverted curvature, the rumbler cannot access it to peel it. This is easy to rectify after the rumbler has finished, a few extra seconds taking out the eyes and peeling very small parts of a few potatoes. It is also a little noisy, although this particular model is less noisy than its competitors. It dances around the worktop when in use so it's a good idea to keep an eye on it.


Overall, a great example of a very handy invention. It will save you considerable time peeling potatoes over the course of a year but can be a little noisy at times.

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Friday, August 06, 2010

Use This Diet Tip to Eliminate Saggy, Jiggly, and Flabby Arms Permanently

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I often get asked diet and nutrition questions by women who are looking to eliminate massive amounts of body fat with the goal of reducing the size of their arms.

As I've eluded to in past articles, eliminating saggy and flabby arms comes down to three main goals:

1) Eliminate body fat
2) Tone the underlying muscles
3) Boost your metabolism

It just so happens that diet plays into all three of these subjects.

So what is my number one piece of nutritional advice?

Quite simple actually; eliminate starches and sugar in your diet.

Notice how I didn't say carbs? Carbs are NOT your enemy, its the TYPE of carbs you are eating that are wreaking havoc on your body.

Starches (things like rice, potatoes, pasta, breads, etc) are treated by your body in almost the same manner that pure sugar is. As soon as you ingest any heavy starch, your body goes to work converting it to sugar, and sugar is fast-track to a fat physique.

It makes your body release a hormone called insulin in massive quantities. The problem with insulin, is that it is a hormone that makes your body store fat. If you are eating starches on a regular basis throughout the day, then you have a near constant flow of insulin in your blood stream making it next to IMPOSSIBLE to lose any body fat.

So what is the solution? Eliminate carbs altogether?

Not at all.

While you DO need some carbs, it's the TYPE of carbs you eat that will mean the difference between lean and toned arms, or a physique that keeps piling on the pounds.

Step one: Focus on high-fiber carbs early in the day (things like steel-cut oats, sprouted grain bread, and wild grain rice).

Step two: After 2:00 in the afternoon, all of your carbs should be coming from fruit and vegetable sources ONLY. This means that instead of having a meat, vegetable, and potato at dinner, you will be substituting that potato with a green salad. (As an aside, I should mention; both peas and corn don't count as veggies, they should be considered a starch as well.)

Quite simply, this could be the most powerful thing you could do to start losing massive amounts of body fat rapidly, and putting yourself on a fast track to lean and sexy arms.

Make this one simple change to your diet, and you will be astounded at the near instant results you will receive!

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Princess 1940 Potato Rumbler-Peeler Review

The Princess 1940 Potato rumbler is a domestic appliance used to automatically peel potatoes. This particular potato rumbler sports 6 stainless steel blades attached to its internal drum. It is capable of peeling 1kg of potatoes in 2 as little as 2 minutes. It also comes with a safety switch to ensure that it's not accidentally switched on with your hand in the wrong place. It has a transparent lid as well as a retractable cord. This potato rumbler also comes with a separate basket that can be used to dry salad inside the spinner. Best of all, its internal parts are dishwasher safe so you can peel your potatoes then dismantle the rumbler and wash it in the dishwasher.

How does it stack up?

This is an incredible machine for the price. It's relatively quiet in its function compared to its competitors and is also efficient, requiring only 400ml of water to peel 1kg of tomatoes. The fact that you can wash it in the dishwasher is a major advantage as this will save considerable time cleaning it. It is capable of peeling potatoes faster than the average chef can manually peel them with considerably less effort. Even if it saves you 5 minutes a day in the kitchen, over a full year, that's over 24 hours. Worth every penny to save a full day in of peeling potatoes by hand in the kitchen every year. We carried out a test to see how much weight the potatoes lost after a cycle in the rumbler. We hand peeled and rumbled 2 separate kilos of potatoes and found that the hand peeled potatoes lost 6% of their total weight after peeling. The rumbled potatoes lost 8%. This is an incredible result.

Negative points

The potato rumbler is not all good however. It is unable to remove any "eyes" and if the potato has any inverted curvature, the rumbler cannot access it to peel it. This is easy to rectify after the rumbler has finished, a few extra seconds taking out the eyes and peeling very small parts of a few potatoes. It is also a little noisy, although this particular model is less noisy than its competitors. It dances around the worktop when in use so it's a good idea to keep an eye on it.


Overall, a great example of a very handy invention. It will save you considerable time peeling potatoes over the course of a year but can be a little noisy at times.

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