Saturday, June 05, 2010

Think Again Before Getting Back With Your Ex

Nearly everywhere we look these days we see advice about how to get back together with your ex. There are magazines, websites and even books devoted to this topic. It seems that every relationship expert out there has something to say about whether or not you should get back with your ex.

But before you start reading or listening to any advice about getting back with your ex, it will be important for you to think for a bit about why you want to get back with your ex. Ask yourself these questions and allow yourself to truly be honest with the answers.

o How long have you been separated with your ex?
o Why do you want to get back together with your ex?
o What is it you miss the most about your ex?
o Are you feeling depressed and lonely?
o Have you spoken to your ex since the breakup?
o What kind of relationship do you have with your ex since the breakup?

Sometimes we just think we want to get back with our ex because we are lonely or we have not adjusted to the new changes in our lives. We long for what is familiar, even if that means a bad or unhealthy relationship.

Just because you think you want to get back with your ex does not mean this is really the best choice for you right now. There's also the point of whether or not your ex even wants to be back with you. If they are saying they don't want to be with you, you don't want to waste time and effort trying to "win" them back. If you are serious about trying to make it work again, you need to come from an approach of understanding why they do not want to be back with you and how you can work on that to repair what is broken in the relationship.

If you're not even on speaking terms or a friendship basis with your ex, you certainly don't want to try to jump back in the relationship where it left off. You will need to get to know one another again. It's almost like starting over from the beginning except this time you have baggage from the former relationship.

Next time you find yourself thinking should you get back with your ex, just remember the tips here in this article. No one else can tell you whether or not this is the right decision for you to make. Only you can make that choice but now you have some guidelines to help you make this decision for yourself.

Allan has been writing articles for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website at which reviews various products such as an Oxo Salad Spinner and various Good Grips Salad Spinners etc.

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