Saturday, May 07, 2011

10 common mistakes made by women in Fitness & Nutrition


While these misconceptions surely exist among men, may be more common in women. Perpetuated by magazines, media, fashion and fashion, are careless abandonment of fitness advice, this error is almost ingrained and therefore hard to shake. Here's my answer.
1. I decrease
If you think about fitness and nutrition, this is the most common phrase spoken by women. It 's true that many overweight people (men and women) have to losedrastic amounts of weight for health reasons, many of those who say this sentence to lose body fat, not weight. What is the difference?
When the weight drops, do not follow the body fat? Not necessarily. For many, a program of cardiovascular exercise and strength training increases muscle mass, including eliminating body fat.
The overall effect is a strong body more closely, but the weight of the body, the same or even increase residence. Hence the obsession with numbers on a scale is unfounded;You can improve the appearance and condition greatly improved, and all the unwanted fat, adjusting for weight. Instead, focus on a combination of measures of body fat in crisis areas and the image in the mirror.
2. I just gained two pounds!
Once again, the numbers on the scale of minor importance in the short term. I've heard too many women expressed concern about the volatility of two or three pounds of body weight.
There are many factors, nonehave to do one of those "getting fat", that such an increase may have caused minor, there is no need to panic.
For example, a person should weigh yourself at the same time every day, because the weight difference between climbing the ladder of ascent as the first after an overnight fast and on the scales after eating can be very obvious. This difference is normal and cyclical.
3. I'm Going On The ____ diet.
For many women, the wordDiet does two things, the saboteurs are known: emergency and an end date. Whether it (which is why the fashion magazines, health magazines are not), the grapefruit diet, Atkins diet or other fashion for the fashion magazine, diets require deprivation. They force the followers to abandon the food fun to endure hunger, or a combination of both, which usually results in bouts of intense desire and more intense.
A second thing implied in the diet is an end dateDay h # llish deprivation is an abrupt end. So after the spring break trip to win, class reunion or wedding anniversary, many women still carried more weight and fat than the original. This is because they can finally eat the foods you love after a long diet, and feel carefree food a week somehow turned into a month, then a year.
The possibility that these pitfalls be avoided, good eating habits, rather than develop on crash diets. Eating nutritious foods infrequent small meals to stay satisfied and embrace portion control, so that the foods you love.
Avoid excessive exercise, involving a variety of fun and exercise burnout and boredom. Health and Wellness should be objective, not permanent, the 4-week tour de force.
4. I'll Be On The Elliptical If you need me.
The idea behind the religious devotion of some people is the elliptical machine in the faith, because cardiovascular exercise burns effectivelyBody fat is simply any form of cardio.
First, a nutritious diet with both cardiovascular and strength training is combined showed the diet and cardio only winning, but it is not my main gripe.
Research has shown that the constant elliptical, although easier on the joints, worse than the bike treadmill, rowing machine and exercise (not to mention intense activities such as swimming and hiking), when it comes to increasing the frequency heart rate and burn fat. Thisbased on the fact that the movement on these machines for a high degree of resistance to motion and not, or the guidance of their body weight. All those months of training elliptical led to poor results, and now you know why.
5. I'm Going To Give try diet pills.
You know what it is like yohimbe and its influence on the body? Do you know why there is so much concern about ephedra? Consume too much caffeine? If you are not familiar with these materials,Why in your body for day to day?
Before taking these pills, a person should consult a doctor to ensure that he / she is in good health. Diet Pills fat loss and gain weight loss by stimulating the body's systems (which metabolism), the additional load placed on the functions and vital organs like the heart.
Even diet pills are only a tool, the effort is still needed to complete each instrument. Just because you pop a capsule of a couple of times a daydoes not mean that the junk food, jump training, and to achieve that ideal body type.
In short, the diet pills should be after the launch and maintenance therapy as a last resort to be used by a pause of plateau. They can be very dangerous if misused or abused or care.
6. I take the salad, please.
Salads can be a great source of nutrients, while low in saturated fat and simple carbohydrates. The key word is "possible". Too often I see peoplePass up perfectly healthy sandwiches and snacks, is infused instead of a salad dressing, bacon, croutons e. These elements, with fat and calories, while some nutrients are not just a diet sabotage, but is not often that you load.
To build a truly healthy salad, the emphasis on wealth, the words low in calories, such as spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, etc., and mix in some lean protein, beans, nuts and low fat cheeses for flavor and consistency.
The bestThe characteristics of the variety of salads that are created, so things can be interesting and tasty. If the mixture of dressing, bacon bits, croutons and salad with a little 'prefer, you can make some pizza or burgers at least satisfied. As you can see, not all salads are created equal.
7. I try to skip breakfast.
Study after study confirms that people who eat a balanced breakfast with carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats to lose moreWeight than those who skip this meal. Why?
After a night of fasting and inactivity (aka sleep), an individual's metabolism slows to a crawl. Think of breakfast as the spark ignites, the fire body metabolism, burning calories is to create for the day. More importantly, however, a rich breakfast buffet will prevent overeating later in the day.
If it is true that skipping breakfast is zero calories per meal, it is configured for many more to consumeCalories throughout the day, if not probably healthy choices of food.
So if your goal is to lose unwanted body fat or lose weight, eat within 45 minutes after waking. Breakfast can be as simple as a low-fat yogurt with fruit, the excuse "I do not have time for breakfast" will not work.
8. I Do pushups to get rid of my "bat."
Some swear by the push-up deposits of unwanted fat to exempt all over the triceps, others are followers of crunchpay belly fat, while others try to thrust their way to less cellulite on the back.
Regardless of the exercise, regardless of body part, this approach is called "spot reduction", whereby an isolation exercise is carried out at the sound of a given area. It 'does not exist.
You can not reduce body fat in one spot. While isolation exercises target the muscles definitely increase in all the fat of these muscles (and the fat on the body) can only be reducedconstantly in a state (burns more calories than it consumes), low-calorie.
Therefore, each with a six-pack will tell you that the key is not creaking. So no matter if the target is closer in arms, a small or a toned back, reducing consumption and increasing cardiovascular activity are the way to success.
9. I do not lift weights. Lifting will make me bulky.
To avoid a huge number of women, weight rooms of local gyms and healthAssociations, because we firmly believe that strength training, if there are free weights or weight-for assisted will result in an undesirably massive body.
This misunderstanding is based on the fact that almost all people get serious gains in muscle mass after beginning a program of weight training. It comes from my own experience and partly true, it's pretty hard to fight.
Yes, regularly engage in strength training increases muscle mass. However, there is asome type of training necessary to achieve this include gains in terms of size, training, strong resistance and volume. With the weight of about 40 to 50% of the maximum force and repeated to increase the cardiovascular effects will sound, not mass.
10. E 'reduced fat. I want to eat as much as me.
There are two pieces of information I wish to convey here. "Reduced fat" is a relative term and just because an item is selected, does not mean thatE 'low in calories.
For example, if a portion of a particular food contains 60% of the recommended daily amount of fat to reduce that amount to 30% as "low fat", and is also likely that the marketing of it is, "half the fat the original! "
However, 30% is still a lot of fat per serving, as absolute values, for example, how many grams of fat, carbohydrates, proteins, etc., are used instead of the relative values ​​of "50% less fat." Moreover, reaching fitness goals is largelyon calorie intake. more body weight and unwanted fat is obtained by eating 500 calories an item of low-fat eating 100 calories of a high-fat item, so please keep this in mind.
If there is a loss of control or feelings of guilt when eating diet or low-fat products, it is probably better in the long term, the higher fat, higher calorie counterparts to consume with moderation.

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