Monday, May 16, 2011

What is your mattress, lipstick and a salad to appreciate common?


Our consumer products, cosmetics and many of the foods we eat every day can really dangerous! Did you know that contain all these types of products of toxic contaminants that can not get rid of our body. The cumulative effects of these toxins in the human body can cause symptoms such as fatigue, poor digestion and even weight gain, and may responsible for some of the most common degenerative diseases?
We are constantly exposed to toxins:
• In polluted air werespiratory
· Water we drink and bathe in
Buildings · We live and work in
Pesticides, fertilizers loaded · and we eat
· Products of consumer protection that we use every day
We need to make important steps for exposure to these pollutants and chemicals that occur serious health problems and perhaps to avoid life-threatening.
There are over 80,000 synthetic chemicals registered by the Environmental Protection Agency that are used in a wide range of consumer products we use each andevery day. Over 10,500 synthetic chemicals are now in our cosmetics and care products. Only a small percentage of these chemicals ever security checks!
The average adult uses nine cosmetic products each day. This is an average of over 125 synthetic chemicals in our body absorbs every day! Our beds, by law, are in high doses, a flame retardant called covered boron. Our body needs only trace amounts of boron, but in large quantities,known carcinogenic effects.
What can we do to our toxic overload?
We can start by avoiding the use of products containing substances such as parabens (chemical preservatives) and other toxic chemicals known to be linked to the disease. Everyone should be removed periodically to clean the body through the cell body cleaning itself of impurities. Also to avoid the consumption of much of the best organic, unprocessed foods available to try to capture pesticidesYour immune system is improved and the function of certain organs such as liver and kidneys, increasing bodies of cleaning!
It can be difficult, all the toxic pollutants are all around us in order to avoid. With just a few steps to reduce the use of some of them and avoid or replace some of the products we use and consume are safe for our health and our lives better!

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