Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Salad Vegetables - A Brief Overview

Image : http://www.flickr.com

This term will be for us, all plants used for culinary purposes, or use for the table, such as salads and also enjoys convenient. The potato sweet potato, pumpkin, red peppers and tomatoes are of American origin. Everyone else is probably native to the Old World.

Only one plant is in that class was derived from South Australia - namely, New Zealand spinach.

In plants and> Growing plants than we can enumerate the following: beets, onion, cabbage, purslane, large bean (faba), chick peas, lentils, and a kind of pea (peas). Attributed to an age of 4000 years.

In addition to these, in point of age, are the period, radishes, carrots, turnips, garlic, watercress, celery, lettuce, asparagus, leeks e. Three or four seeds of legumes are classified in the same category as blacks are the most recent peppers.Ofintroduction the most prominent are: the parsnip, oyster-plant, parsley, artichoke, endive, and spinach.

From these lists I have purposely omitted a few which belong exclusively to the tropics, such as certain yams.

The number of varieties of these vegetables is astounding. It is, of course, impossible to discriminate between closely allied varieties which have been introduced by gardeners under different names, but which are essentially identical. The potato has innumerable varieties, of which forty are accepted as easily distinguishable and worthy of a place in a general list. The following numbers speak for themselves, all being selected in the same careful manner as those of the potato: celery more than twenty; carrot more than thirty; beet, radish, and potato, more than forty; lettuce and onion more than fifty; turnip more than seventy; cabbage, kidney-bean, and garden pel, more than one hundred.

The amount of horticultural work which these numbers represent is enormous. Each variety established as a race (that is, a variety which comes true to seed) has been evolved by the same sort of patient care and waiting which we have seen is necessary in the case of cereals, but the time of waiting has not been as a general thing so long.

Of course to make use of these vegetables you need to have a good recipe for salad.

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