Friday, July 30, 2010

Spring fishing for pike and musky

It may seem silly to say that Inland Northwest fishermen have "Esox" discovered fishing. After all, the "Northern Pike", and her half siblings, the "tiger musky" in this neck of the wood for several years. Northern pike were illegally in the lake side of Coeur d'Alene River system in 1970 with a mature pike fishing is based almost entirely introduced into Lake Coeur d'Alene since 1980. There is also a consolidated PikePopulation in River Systems Oriella Pend. While the debate rages about the negative impact on native species and established fishing cold water, the fact remains there are, the pike is probably here to stay. In a recent visit to Coeur d'Alene, "In-Fisherman" personality "Al Lindner" was saying that the next record pike in the United States may well come from above Lake Coeur d'Alene.

In addition to northern pike, the deliberate and planned implementation of fisheries biologistsThe northern pike / musky hybrids (known as "tiger musky"), were selected lakes in Washington State retained to give a big trophy fish species and populations of less desirable species.But not really moving target many of these fishermen species of this? Most of the catches of Northern Pike fall into the category of "catch." That is, they are caught while fishing for other species, mostly fishermen down. The fact is that fishing luresand technology for the use of low work very good for pike, too. Moreover, as bass and pike tend to live in the same areas in more depth, the frequency rises pike or musky catches.

Many area fishermen have discovered that the thrill of the strike and the ensuing battles with the boat's worth in this giant, were targeted. Taking advantage of opportunistic feeding behavior of the Pike, "dead-baiting" or "merger" was born. A game of patience, "Melting" meansthe use of a dead or frozen herring odor with two hooks embedded and suspended from the base by a large foam float or turn signals. The fisherman simply waits until the float begins to remove and then set the hook. Although effective and responsible for some big Pike, lacks the technology of excitement that comes with a top-water strike. Bass fishermen know what I'm talking about. Nothing beats the heart beat more than what you see quarry ferocious attack during a callaggressive tears over the water.

Actively targeting and pursuing pike and tiger musky often with good fish, you can use sonar to follow the lines submerged weed, spawning research, where the fish stage and in the spring, and often hundreds (if not thousands) of large dimensions, strong shock throws the bait, spoon, spinner bait, and queues buck. It is certainly not for fishermen who like to sit and wait nap on the shore, the fish are biting. Sometimes all fishermenget for his trouble, and sore shoulders and arms, but often it is a heart-attack finish, where the prey was the bait pound reward for a fight in the water churning.

Big pike in the spring to take the bays flat, dense plant to lay their eggs. Often this salad retrieve bait from the vegetation is almost impossible. He still mad ... Monster pike can often just below the surface. They know there is no way that aRecovering Jerk-bait past undetected huge lumps in the process. Even if you could, but often have a nose bigger baits during this time. The answer is often "finesse baits. Small fish imitation soft plastic, with a weighted hook, off-set, and threw the fish past targeted. Spinning rods and reels seem to work best with such ease, but do a little 'bait Adept bait roles as well is great. How you get when you try use bait to take a viewbut not close. If you move the Pike aggressive after the bait could really speed up the recovery. You could make a fish eye in your approach to get bait a few inches, and then disappeared. Vary the presentation of a series of shots, stalls, shots and movements teasing can often trigger a strike. The really interesting part of it is actually observed in the conditions, the whole process. It takes a relatively smooth surface with little or no wind, a good pairpolarized sunglasses and a boat with an engine silent electric trolling. Even quieter approaches could be achieved with a push pin. Obviously you want to get close enough to see fish, but not so close that they were ghosts.

Pike and musky have very sharp teeth and are perfectly capable of cutting completely through the heavy monofilament line. Steel leaders are a staple of pike fishing for years, but because of their extra weight, are almost impossible to use if FinesseFishing little plastic fish lures. This would entail the introduction of fluorine lines. works strong abrasion-resistant, nearly invisible in water, and high fluorocarbon leader material as well with these toothy creatures. There must be at least 18-20 pound test and you will cut loose in a few lines, but most of his situation is to cut it. After each fish would do well to the line for every nick, cut or abrasion, then feel trim and tie back. Thebest I've used the "P-Line" products of pure fluorine was. You should try to vote a certain color you choose in the water.

Another thing to say in terms of time. One of my best fishing days for the moss Tiger was a spring day with squalls of rain and lightning repeated. Please do not water during a storm. Besides this, for a period of two hours short rainstorm, I was six tiger musky caught trolling a Lucky CraftPointer 128 in Aurora Black. This bait really is my "go-" bait for pike and moss were.

Try some of these techniques the next time you're in water, where Pike and musky. You may also find that next you catch pike or musky not a random capture "and was actually given the fish you catch.

Where: Lake Coeur d'Alene go and the chain of lakes in the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho, (scratch), Fernan Lake, Idaho, (scratch), Long Lake,Washington (Pike), Silverlake, Washington (tiger musky), Hauser Lake, Idaho (tiger musky). Google search will yield even more destinations in Montana rivers and lakes for pike.


Rod: ½ to 7 feet, medium and heavy rods 6 ¾ to 1 ounce

Reel: Bait-caster for heavy lures, spinning for light.

Line: heavy braid with fluorocarbonLeader (2-3 meters).

Ty-Gear ®, steel tie-able leader.

Bait large, heavy jerk baits, swim baits: baits and crank.

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