Friday, August 06, 2010

Use This Diet Tip to Eliminate Saggy, Jiggly, and Flabby Arms Permanently

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I often get asked diet and nutrition questions by women who are looking to eliminate massive amounts of body fat with the goal of reducing the size of their arms.

As I've eluded to in past articles, eliminating saggy and flabby arms comes down to three main goals:

1) Eliminate body fat
2) Tone the underlying muscles
3) Boost your metabolism

It just so happens that diet plays into all three of these subjects.

So what is my number one piece of nutritional advice?

Quite simple actually; eliminate starches and sugar in your diet.

Notice how I didn't say carbs? Carbs are NOT your enemy, its the TYPE of carbs you are eating that are wreaking havoc on your body.

Starches (things like rice, potatoes, pasta, breads, etc) are treated by your body in almost the same manner that pure sugar is. As soon as you ingest any heavy starch, your body goes to work converting it to sugar, and sugar is fast-track to a fat physique.

It makes your body release a hormone called insulin in massive quantities. The problem with insulin, is that it is a hormone that makes your body store fat. If you are eating starches on a regular basis throughout the day, then you have a near constant flow of insulin in your blood stream making it next to IMPOSSIBLE to lose any body fat.

So what is the solution? Eliminate carbs altogether?

Not at all.

While you DO need some carbs, it's the TYPE of carbs you eat that will mean the difference between lean and toned arms, or a physique that keeps piling on the pounds.

Step one: Focus on high-fiber carbs early in the day (things like steel-cut oats, sprouted grain bread, and wild grain rice).

Step two: After 2:00 in the afternoon, all of your carbs should be coming from fruit and vegetable sources ONLY. This means that instead of having a meat, vegetable, and potato at dinner, you will be substituting that potato with a green salad. (As an aside, I should mention; both peas and corn don't count as veggies, they should be considered a starch as well.)

Quite simply, this could be the most powerful thing you could do to start losing massive amounts of body fat rapidly, and putting yourself on a fast track to lean and sexy arms.

Make this one simple change to your diet, and you will be astounded at the near instant results you will receive!

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