Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mamey fruit


The fruit is almost round, with a short stalk thickness (which should still be exercised when buying), the skin is leathery, light brown with a silvery-gray-brown with a slightly rough texture. It grows about 6 to 8 cm and the result is a fairly heavy.

It 'important to know that under the skin is a thin, cream-colored membrane, often very astringent and bitter, and must be removed. The flesh is rich orange color, thick and creamy, banana flour similar in structure. Sinceis a seed / stone, be sure to remove the outer membrane and inner membrane, before going to eat this fruit.

This fruit is native to the West Indies, South and Central America. Records show that this fruit has been grown in greenhouses English since 1735 California has tried to grow these plants for their commercial value, with little or no success so far.

How do you know if the fruit is ripe or not? Scratching the surface of the fruit very easily with a fingernail andif it shows in green, the fruit must be harvested. When the fruits fall to the ground when ripe, become easily bruised. If you try to buy fruits in the local market, those who have some of their stem cells still attached to buy.

The flesh of the mamey can be eaten cooked or raw in fruit salads, in pies and tarts. Spices of cinnamon and ginger go very well with this result. The mamey is often used as a spicy canned jams, preserves and pastries, asGuava paste, are often included in other fruit products. A little 'under-ripe fruits are rich in pectin ideal for the production of jelly and jam. In fruit smoothies adds smoothness and richness in the structure, like a banana.

In Jamaica, the mamey prepared in wine and sugar for a while 'before the food is soaked. The Bahamas, some prefer the meat to boil in lightly salted water first with a lot of sugar to a jam consistency. The wine is fermented from fruit and"Toddy" from the sap of the tree in Brazil. In the Dominican Republic, raw meat is mixed with sugar and made into frozen sorbet. The juice of the meat stew is seasoned with sugar and lemon juice for "mamey-bye" to do. In French West Indies, an aromatic liqueur called eau de Creole, or creme de Creole, is distilled from the flowers and said to act as a tonic and digestive.

Nutritionally, it contains calcium, iron, beta-carotene (orange for its meat, various BVitamins, vitamin C, tryptophan, methionine and lysine.

However, it is known that the mamey tree contains the toxic properties, and Puerto Rico mamey leaves to wrap the young tomato plants when planting, to protect them from insects. In Mexico and Jamaica, the thick, yellow rubber from the bark combines with fats to help animals and get rid of fleas and ticks. The bark has strong astringent properties. Made in El Salvador, a paste made from ground seeds is used againstPoultry lice, mites and lice. In the Dominican Republic, a preparation of the seeds is used to remove lice.

Do not let this discourage me fruit, some people love it, you can too. Remember, if you fit this fruit to be secure both inside and remove them from the membranes.

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